Explore the World of Amateur Radio and earn the ALARA Radio Challenge Badge.

Click on the badge challenge badge for details

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Aim: The aim is to score 10 points to qualify for the Award.

This Award is available to YLs, OMs and SWLs contacting ALARA members on or after 1st July 2006.

(Anyone who holds an original Award may apply for the new Award.)

  • VK/ZL: 10 contacts, including 4 Australian Call Areas
  • DX: 5 contacts, including 3 Australian Call Areas.
  • Conditions: All contacts must be made from the same call area. Repeater contacts and officials ALARA net contacts do NOT qualify, contests DO qualify.

General Conditions: Applicants must submit a log extract signed and declared to be a true record of contacts made. Headings must include Date, Time (UTC), Band, Mode, Callsign and Name of the ALARA member contacted. Addresses: Full name, address, signature and callsign of applicant are required.

Addresses: Full name, address, signature and callsign of applicant are required.

Costs: Fee, to accompany each application, for the Award is A$5 or equivalent 4IRCs.

The ALARA Awards Custodian is Marilyn

Send ALARA Award applications to:

Marilyn Syme VK5DMS
Unit 14, 142 Marian Road,
Glynde S.A. 5070 Australia