Jamboree On The Air 2023
JOTA is an annual event in which Scouts all over the world connect with each other by means of amateur radio.
The first Jamboree On The Air was held in 1957. Later, when the internet became increasingly popular, the Jamboree On The Internet JOTI was created in 1995.
Today, the two events have merged into a single experience called JOTA-JOTI. It always takes place on the third weekend in October, with over 2 million
scouts participating worldwide.
Short-wave radio signals carry their voices to virtually any corner of the world. It's the sheer excitement of having a live conversation with a
fellow Scout at some other place in the world that attracts so many young people to this event. JOTA-JOTI is a real Jamboree during which Scouting
experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared. The use of amateur radio techniques offers an extra educational dimension for Scouts. Many grasp
the opportunity to discover the world of wireless techniques and electronics.
Thousands of amateur radio volunteers assist the Scouts over the JOTA-JOTI weekend with their knowledge, equipment and enthusiasm.
The radio operator may suggest that the Scouts visit their station during the JOTA-JOTI weekend or that they bring their equipment to your local
headquarters or campsite. Often, JOTA-JOTI radio stations have been set up in unusual locations such as at the top of a mountain or on a boat.
If you hear a Scout Group on air this weekend, please give them a call and encourage them to enjoy our hobby!
You can find lots of information on this year's Special Events taking place all around Australia by visiting www.vkjota.com
You can download resources for JOTA 2023 by clicking on the links below.